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  6. Accepting Change Meditation 08

Session 8/10


Hello, and welcome to this meditation for forgiveness. My name isAlamay. And I’ll be guiding you through this meditation.
The Buddha said, holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Forgiveness is ultimately for ourselves. And not necessarily for those who have heard us.
It is honoring who we are, and what is best for ourselves, and the simple forgiveness exercises. Note how you feel after you forgive. Perhaps forgiveness is a gift to yourself.
If at any time during this meditation, you feel overwhelmed, simply come back to your breath and let the words wash over you. There’s no need to remember anything that would upset you too much. We are just forgiving and releasing. You can start with forgiving something that just mildly annoyed you for now.
Take some time to settle in and just absorb your beautiful environments.
Perhaps noticing the sounds around you. The sites around you are the gentle rhythm of your breathing in your body.
As you look into this world, slowly imagine that there’s someone standing in front of you who has hurt you before.
It could be someone who has caused you to feel a minor hurt before or someone who’s made you a bit more upset.
Just observe them before you taking them in. If some anger arises, that’s okay. Just allow it.
And when you feel ready to say to them, I forgive you. Repeat it as many times as you need.
Keeping your breathing in a comfortable rhythm. You were doing great and releasing this person here entirely. They are gone from your imagination.
Let’s move on to someone else. You can choose another person who may Have upset you before. Or you can also choose yourself to stand before you.
Sometimes we can hurt others. And sometimes we can hurt ourselves without realizing it. It’s okay to make mistakes. We are all trying our best here.
Whenever you feel ready, take your time and say to this person or yourself, I forgive you. Repeat it as many times as you need. breathing through this, you’re doing great. And releasing this person or yourself in front of you.
Now, coming back into your body, just noticing the sensations in your body as you breathe.
Noticing the sounds that you hear noticing the sense around you noticing the flavors on your tongue noticing the colors and shapes that you see around you.
And when you’re ready, taking a few deep inhalations and exhalations out, letting this whole experience go.
How is this for you? Ultimately, anger is not a bad thing to experience, as it can tell us when our boundaries are being crossed, or what doesn’t feel right.
However, holding on to our anger can cause a lot of unnecessary built up stress and tension. Forgiveness allows us to release what has happened in the past.
We’re not forgetting what happened by forgiving others, just releasing the burden and heaviness of it.
Thank you so much for listening and have a lovely day.

Ultimately, anger is not a bad thing to experience, as it can tell us when our boundaries are being crossed, or what doesn't feel right.

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