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  6. Social Media Detox Meditation...

Session 07/10


Welcome back to Day 7 in this series.

Social media can create lots of unwanted feelings of regret. An integral part of any social media platform is resurfacing old memories. Re-living what was and that, for some people leads to unhappy thoughts and feelings of what could of been, should have been, would have been… but wasn’t.

Today’s practice will help to ease those feelings of regret and help you get a different perspective so you can feel it easier to let go of regret, let go of the past. Focusing on the “what if’s” and the “if only’s” will prevent you from living a fulfilled life because obsessing about the past creates tension in the mind and in the body.

Remembering to be patient with yourself and being kind to yourself as we begin by finding a comfortable seat.

Settle in with some nice deep breaths.

Breathing in through your nose.

Breathing out through your mouth.

Feeling the body expand on the inhalation.

Softening on the exhalation.

Then allowing the breath to return to its normal rhythm and its natural flow.

Being clear on why you are practicing today.

Then feel your body connecting with the surface beneath you.

Noticing the sounds around you.

Settling in, as best you can.

Check in with how you feel.

Take a moment to scan through the body, looking in a bit more detail.

Scanning from the top of the head, down to the toes.

Noticing areas that are comfortable, and areas that are not.

Notice how your mind feels today as well.

Then gently tuning into the breath.

No need to manipulate or shape the breath.

Allow the breath to be exactly how it is.

Noticing the air moving in.

Noticing the air moving out.

Feel the body breathing.

Using the breath as an anchor point.

Noticing distractions.

Gently noting whether it’s a thought or a feeling.

Then moving the awareness back to the breath.

Tuning into the breath.

Following the breath.

Labeling any distractions.

Thought, feeling.

No need to follow the distraction, let it go.

Come back to the breath.

Letting go of any focus.

Let your mind think, let it wander, let it question, letting it be free.

Bringing your awareness back to the body.

Feeling your body connecting with the surface beneath you.

Noticing any sounds around you.

Becoming familiar with your surroundings.

Pause for a moment and just notice how you feel.

Remind yourself why you are taking this time to practice, observing how the mind is and how thoughts can come and go. In doing so, creating some space and some freedom.

Thank you for joining me and I’ll see you back here for the next meditation.

Focusing on the “what if’s” and the “if only’s” will prevent you from living a fulfilled life because obsessing about the past creates tension in the mind and in the body.

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