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  6. Heartfulness – Forgiveness Meditation

Session 5/9


This is a heartfulness meditation on forgiveness. The aim of this meditation is to become less loyal to our own suffering, to reboot our hearts, by learning to forgive ourselves, to forgive others, and to ask for forgiveness. For whatever harm or sorrow we’ve caused. We’ll begin the forgiveness meditation by asking for forgiveness. Keep in mind, this is a practice, we don’t actually expect to be totally forgiven. Nor can we expect even to be able to forgive ourselves totally. Instead, we’re inclining the mind toward opening the heart. So with this technique, we’ll start by just noticing and tuning into the fact that we have hurt and harmed other people. Sometimes this was knowingly and sometimes unknowingly. So bringing to mind those times that we’ve hurt or harmed others, letting them flash into your consciousness as images or feelings. Perhaps particular situations come to mind. But just recognizing and recollecting the fact that throughout our years of being alive, we have inadvertently and sometimes intentionally, hurt and harmed those around us.

So as you recollect this just repeating to yourself, if I’ve hurt or harmed anyone, whether knowingly or unknowingly, I asked their forgiveness. Inclining the mind toward opening the heart. If I’ve hurt or harmed anyone, intentionally, or unintentionally, I asked their forgiveness. Feeling what that would be like to receive that forgiveness.

We can simply shorten this to, I ask your forgiveness. Bringing to mind the harm and sorrow we’ve caused, whether they’re small or large, the people that we’ve hurt the people that we’ve neglected, or ignored, and asking their forgiveness. Internally, I ask your forgiveness. And from here we’ll shift to offering others forgiveness. Not only have we hurt and harmed others, but others, of course, have hurt and harmed us. So bringing to mind those situations, those moments where we have been hurt or harmed by others.

At any time in your life, whether young or older, bring to mind those moments small and large, where we’ve been hurt or harmed. Or someone has been malicious, or callous, or simply ignorant. It’s affected us in some deep way. And now practicing becoming less loyal to our own suffering. We offer others forgiveness, the best we can. If anyone has hurt or harmed me, whether knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive them. If anyone is hurt or harmed me, whether it’s intentional or not, I forgive them. Feeling what comes up as you repeat this, and as you incline your mind in this direction, offering forgiveness making space for this to end the open heart of forgiveness.

If anyone has hurt or harmed me, whether knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive them. Or more simply, I forgive you. I forgive you. doing our best to let go so we can move forward with an unburdened heart. This doesn’t mean condoning their actions, it just means letting go of the past we cannot change.

And now finally, we offer ourselves forgiveness. Because we have also, and perhaps even more so, have hurt and harmed ourselves. So calling to mind those times that we’ve hurt and harmed ourself that we haven’t taken care of ourselves. we’ve pushed ourselves too hard. Or we’ve judged ourselves too harshly for not being good enough, fast enough, smart enough. We tend to be hardest on ourselves. See if you can remember those times. And then repeating for all the ways I’ve hurt or harmed myself, knowingly or unknowingly. I offer forgiveness. For all the ways I’ve hurt or harmed myself, knowingly or unknowingly.

I forgive myself. Alright, again, more simply. I forgive myself. I forgive myself who is worthy of the forgiveness most ourselves. Whatever arises, see if you can make space for it. The open heart of forgiveness.

Even if you feel like you can’t forgive yourself. See if you can make space for that. Close this meditation on heartfulness we’ll sit for a moment and open and mindful awareness. Just being present with whatever is arising in our experience now. Letting it arise, letting it be felt and letting it dissolve. Feeling the feelings some of them may be quite difficult or tender. That’s okay. Forgiveness isn’t always easy. It’s a process. Congrats on beginning the process of letting go of unburdening your heart so that you can move forward in a clear and hurtful way. This is a meditation written and recorded by meditate IO. I’m Vincent Horne. If you found this valuable, you can find more resources for training in the digital age at

If anyone has hurt or harmed me, whether knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive them.

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