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  6. Hawaiian Meditation 03

Session 3/10


Aloha.  Welcome to the Hawaiian Mediation Series.  Let’s get started:  Please find a comfortable seated  position.  Focus on your breath,  breathe in, breathe out.  Breathe in, breathe out.  As you continue your calming breath, feel your body relax into your seated position.

There are many amazing Hawaiian words that possess powerful energies.  In this meditation, we are focusing on Aloha and the “Aloha Spirit.”  Aloha is traditionally known to the rest of the world as a greeting.  However, Aloha is so much more than hello or goodbye.

In Hawaii, “Aloha Spirit” has a law, Statute 5 dash 7 point 5.  It is a beautiful law that would be of benefit to read and make a part of your daily life.  In this meditation, we are going to focus on a specific line of the Statute that states, “*Aloha* is the essence of relationships in which each person is important to every other person for collective existence.”

Bring your awareness to your community.  These are the people that you interact with in your everyday life.  Your community may be small or it may be huge.  Do your best to not leave anyone out.  Picture Aloha as a beautiful golden energy that connects us all that we will call Aloha Energy.  As the first person or group comes into your mind, share with them your Aloha Energy and acknowledge their importance in your community.  It is important to acknowledge that we are all connected.  Without acknowledging this importance we become disconnected from the importance of community.

As you continue to share your Aloha Energy, it is okay of if your mind wanders.  Without being unkind to yourself, acknowledge the shift of awareness, and then bring it back to beautiful golden Aloha Energy while picturing the wonderful folks in your community.  I am using the word wonderful because it is important to not label people with negative words.  Hawaiians believe that the energy flows where the thought is focused.  And a negative thought does not abide by the “Aloha Spirit.”

Continue to bring your community to your awareness as you picture Aloha as a beautiful golden energy that connects us all.  Do not limit your awareness to your school, work, or home.  Bring your thoughts to all the people that you may have passed or interacted with.  Even if it was only for a brief moment.  These people would be the cashier at the grocery store, the soccer coach from the opposing team, the people who were at the city council meeting, and the many others that have crossed your path.  Share with them your Aloha Energy and acknowledge their importance in your community.

Continue to bring your community to your awareness as you picture Aloha as a beautiful golden energy that connects us all.  There are many more people in your community that exist beyond what your eyes see every day.  These persons are the folks that mind the office that bring money to your community, the teachers at the school near your home, park rangers that take care of forests or other landmarks, and there are many more that go about unseen.  Share with them your Aloha Energy and acknowledge their importance in your community.

Continue to bring your community to your awareness as you picture Aloha as a beautiful golden energy that connects us all.  Your community may include people that are not even in the same city as you.  Bring your awareness to the postal workers that sorted your mail at the distribution facility that might be several towns away, the trucker that hauled the food hundreds of miles to bring to your grocery store, the farmer in another country that grew the bananas that sit on the kitchen counter, and even the customer service representative that you spoke with over the phone.  Share with them your Aloha Energy and acknowledge their importance in your community.

Bring your awareness to yourself.  Acknowledge your importance in your community.  Accept and give thanks for the beautiful Aloha Energy that your community has shared with you.

Began to bring your focus back to your breathing.  Breathe in, breathe out.  Breathe in, breathe out.  Slowly bring movement back to your body, while being mindful of any thoughts, feelings, or images about your community.  Remember the importance of acknowledging that we are all connected.   Focus on the strong connection to your community, that you have brought to yourself, and carry this, with you, as you continue on your path.  Mahalo.

Aloha is traditionally known to the rest of the world as a greeting. However, Aloha is so much more than hello or goodbye.

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