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  6. Heartfulness – Resilience Meditation

Session 9/9


This is a heartfulness meditation on resilience. The aim of this meditation is to incline the mind towards a steady and peaceful heart. So that we will be able to stay poised amidst the chaos. And if difficulties do sweep us off our center, we can bounce back quicker and with greater clarity. We will do this by using the anchoring phrase, May I accept the moment and what is arising?

Let’s begin by settling into our bodies. Noticing your sitting bones, your feet, your hands, and the space that your body takes up. Notice if you’re feeling reactive, or nonreactive. When a stable balance of mind heart and body is present, we can notice this, and we can notice when it is not. By being able to notice the quality of our hearts and minds, we open a doorway to the possibility of inclining towards a peaceful heart.

We become aware of how our experience moves and changes. And as you breathe, just simply state, may I accept this moment and all that is arising, you can do this silently, or if it helps, out loud.

May I accept this moment and all that is arising. Notice what comes up as a response to this. Allow it to inform you, and pass away, returning to the breath, and the anchoring phrase, May I accept this moment and all that is arising. We all have certain mind tendencies to want to get out of experience or make it last longer. See if you can invite the mind and body to relax some of these habitual patterns.

May the mind and body relax, noticing the breath, and using the phrase.. May I accept this moment and all that is arising.

Using the phrase at a pacing that feels natural to you, may I accept this moment and all that is arising.

Now see if you can sense into not preferring pleasure or pain. This doesn’t mean that those sensations don’t arise. It means that there is no grasping, pushing away, or clinging to what is happening. We are able to open our hearts to love and fullness to the full spectrum of reality.

May I accept this moment and all that is arising.

As we deepen into acceptance, our actions begin to arise from a place of balance, sitting, breathing, seeing, hearing, this is happening right now. Thoughts can be held with a sense of ease. This is happening right now.

May I accept this moment and all that is arising.

We can rest in the gentle knowing of our experience, may I accept this moment and all that is arising.

Our experience happens on its own. Just as our breath moves in and out, difficulties and joys can arise. It is all held with the steady ease of the peaceful heart.

May I accept this moment and all that is arising.

This is a meditation written and recorded by meditate IO.

I am Emily Horne. If you found this valuable, you can find more resources for training in the digital age at

May I accept this moment and all that is arising.

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